Suffocate For Fuck Sake manage to place its audience in a unique world, a dark atmosphere filled with breathtaking brutality and blinding beauty. They describe their sound as Breach, Cult Of Luna, Mogwai and Sigur Ros all playing at the same time and have a trademark of combining their music with vocal samples taken from recorded interviews. On Blazing Fires and Helicopters on the Frontpage of the Newspaper. There's a War Going on and I'm Marching in Heavy Boots they “follow a Swedish girl when she's looking back to the time she got put in a mental institute.” If that sounds like it could make for an interesting album concept, well, it does.
The contrast of slow-core, dark ambient and interview samples form a mesmerizing and touching whole. Blazing Fires... focuses on the concept of losing control in life, which is reflected in the brutality of the harder parts and the creativity in the ambient parts of the album. The intensity and contrast make it a heavy album to digest, as it tends to creep up on the listener every time he begins to feel slightly comfortable. It's a roller coaster of emotions and extremes, not really well suited as background music… it’s a pearl that needs undivided attention.
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