Bohren & der Club of Gore - interview

Not only responsible for bringing forth The Silent Ballet top album of 2008 -as voted by the staff- entitled Dolores, the German Bohren & der Club of Gore was also responsible for playing a most memorable gig in the Ancienne Belgique Club, Brussels.

It's there where things started to go wrong... and all of a sudden I found myself in the position where I was to drop this excellent, doom jazzin' fourpiece a bunch of questions.

"The first and main thing in the beginning of Bohren was to create music that we wanted to listen to. And because nobody else did, we had to do the job. It took several years to find and develop our own musical language and to work out this kind of slow and unhappy music, featuring a down-tuned bass and soft drums– powerful music but without distortion, music which is digging for simplicity and drilling for truth. And we still like it...amen!"

Written for and published by The Silent Ballet

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